Thursday, May 5, 2011

TTS (Text to Speech)

Speech SDK 5.1

Go to the ‘control panel’ -> search ‘text to speech’.




Sol: Thanks to lap0918 for the hint! I just ran into this issue on Windows 7 x64. I couldn't find any UI to bring up a 32-bit TTS control panel, so I created a shortcut to the normal TTS control panel and looked at its contents with a hex editor. It was running sapi.cpl. I searched my system for sapi.cpl and found a separate 32-bit version at C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Speech\SpeechUX\sapi.cpl. When I ran that, I was able to select my Cepstral voice as the default voice and my 32-bit apps picked up on it successfully. I don't do TTS in any 64-bit apps (yet).

Important !!!!!

The Control Panel TTS Voice option lists only properly registered
64 bit Voices. Microsoft's Anna is the only 64 bit Voice that is
supplied with the operating systems. Loquendo's Kate, which is
probably the highest quality TTS Voice that is currently available,
has both 32 and 64 bit versions. Kate is difficult to obtain in small
quantities and is very expensive. The next best alternative is
believed to be the Acapela-Group Voice Heather. It is only
currently available in a 32 bit version for the Windows operating
systems. (64 bit Heather is available for Apple's Snow Leopard).
A third possibility is Cepstral's Callie. I believe that this is still
available only as a 32 bit Voice. The demo version has some glitches.
Testing with Microsoft's sample program, TTSApp, revealed two
problems that we haven't encountered with any other Voice. Text
highlighting doesn't track properly even when the TTS has not been
interrupted with a "nag" statement and the program hangs when a
stop is requested before the end of the text that is being spoken. 

Useful Questions

I want to know during writing my python code, how can I know which voices are pre-installed?? Means in my windows Vista, Microsoft Anna comes as default, but if I install espeak for windows, then 3 more voices comes automatically. Now what I want during coding is that, which voice options are available to the user, so that I can show them into my application and user is able to select them directly from my application.
I want something like:
speak = win32com.client.Dispatch('Sapi.SpVoice?')
voices= speak.get_all_voices()
so that voices contains a list of all the voices available currently?? Please note that get_all_voices() is an imaginary function only for sake of clarity, I want something like this function. Is it available or not??
Thanks and regards

useful webs 

Choose a voice (code-wise)

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